How many frogs are on the world?

Frog, amphibians (Amphibian) and a set of class Annora species that comprise 88% of the animals. Annora, Greek “nothing” with the prefix “a-” and Greek for “tail”, meaning “Ora”, a term derived from the word “queue” means. Family: Black frogs(Bufonidae) …

How many oceans are there on the world?

OCEAN Large pits between the continents is called the broad masses and deep ocean.Okeanos comes from the Greek word for the river Ocean, the Greeks became awareof the Strait of Gibraltar, and that the discharge of …

How many stars are there?

Stars intense luminous sphere and plasma. Formed stars gathered Judge of the visible universe of galaxies. Daylight, including on the early Earth (energy) source of most,which is the nearest star to us the sun. Other stars, the sun appears …

How many religion on the world?

A religion is a set of beliefs and practices often organized around supernatural and moral claims, and often codified as …

getting back my ex bf

am I winning back my ex girlfriend do i text my ex girlfriend back how to text my ex boyfriend …

How many teeth of snails are there?

Snails, freshwater, oceans and animals can be seen all around. Are found in damp, and there is plenty of rainfall ever seen in the fall. Where plenty of water for their body freezes in cold weather. Hot weather loses …

How many clock brand in the world?

How many clock are the brand ?  Clocks, an essential accessory for women and men. Chronometer brand appearance is important. So, how many clock brand in the world?Difficult to …

How many cigarettes are poison?

Some of the poisons found in cigarettes: Polonium – 210 (a carcinogen), Radon (radiation); Methanol (rocket fuel), Toluene (diluent) Cadmium (battery-metal), Butane (LPG), DDT (insecticide), Hydrogen cyanide (gas chamber poison), Acetone (nail) Naphthalene (mothballs), …