How Many People Died in the Great Fire of London in the year of 1666?

Are you interested in the history? Do you know about the different events that effect the people deeply in the world? Are you curious about the history of the Britain? As all we know in the history of the world, there are lots of different events that affect the people’s lives in a deep way and we can count these events like wars, earthquakes, fires or on the other hand it is possible to see the different reasons of these events that affect the people too much extend. Today we are going to make a short analysis and we will give some information about an important event in history and its name is The Great Fire of London. In the history as all we know there are lots of fires and as a result of these fires lots of the people die and the money and the other tools of the people are fired. At this point The Great Fire of London, is one of the most great fires in the history, now we are going to give some specific information about it.


The Great Fire of London affects the people too much extend in that time, when we look at the date of The Great Fire of London we can see that it is happened in the year of 1666 in the London, England. The fire is started in the day of Sunday and then it is finished in the day of Wednesday and in the history of the London it is one of the most great fire and it damages lots of different places like houses, churches and the schools. The king of the period is the Charles II. The number of the houses is the 13,200 and the number of the churches that are fired is 87. In accordance with the some researches the number of the people who are living in that time in London is 80.000 and it s said that approximately the 70,000 people of these 80,000 lose their houses in the fire. When we look at the starting point of the fire, we can see that the fire is started in a bakery and then it starts to be spread to the other places of the city. The effect of the wind makes the fire to spread in a fast way and because of these reason the effect of the fire is spread too much extend in a short time. Now we will make a short analysis about the people who die in The Great Fire of London.


The Number of the People who die in The Great Fire of London


When we look at the figures of the people who die in The Great Fire of London in the year of 1666 we can see that the reported number is 6 but on the other hand it is said that the people who are from the lower class died but they are not reported. 


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