How many liters of blood a human has?

Blood is a special fluid only possible to see on animals. Main duty of blood is carrying oxygen and nutrients to cells. %92 of blood is water. There are also glucose, protein, carbon dioxide and hormones in it. Main blood cell type in blood is red blood cells. There are also white blood cells. Blood uses blood vessels to pass in body. Heart pumps the blood to body. Blood related terms start with “hemo” word which means blood on old Greek. How many liters of blood a human has?

There are lots of duties of blood in body. One of them is carrying oxygen. Blood carries oxygen to tissues in red blood cells.

Also there are some supplies dissolving in blood. They are amino acids, glucose and fatty acids. They are also dissolving in plasma proteins.

Blood also helps for wasting process. Urea, carbon dioxide and lactic acid waste process is making by blood. Especially lactic acid is very important for sportsman and sportswoman.

Blood also makes coagulation process and immunological process. Coagulation means blood’s power for healing the wound and stopping the bleed. Immunological process is blood’s duty to find antibodies by white blood cells. Also blood signals the brain for injuries. Also blood works on hormones transportation.

An adult carries averagely 5 liters of blood. It goes close to 6 and sometimes decreases to 4 liters. It’s only little changes in children body and adult body for the blood levels.

One Response

  1. airmax blog June 29, 2012

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