How Many Legs Do Spiders Have ?

In the world, when we look around us we can see hundreds of different types of animate things except for people and these are either animals or on the other hand can be plants and it can be easily said that they are all dependent on each other and there is a great balance in the world between those animate things.



All of the animate things are important for each other for example the plants that have green leaves makes photosynthesis and as a result of this situation they produce oxygen and again as a result of this the animate things that need oxygen use this product in their lives like people and animals. On the other hand we can see that there are lots of different animals and again we can see lots of benefits of them. When we look at the whole world we can see that there are lots of different types of animals and today we are going to make a short analysis about the spider. 


The Spider and Its Features


When we say the word of Spider almost everybody fear from it and when they hear of the name they are shivering this is maybe because of the physical structure of the that animal maybe because of the body of it. But when we think about the Spiders we can see that they are the animals that are very wonderfully created. For example; when we look at the shapes of the nets of the Spiders we can see that there is a geometry in the nets of the Spider and it can be said that it is a perfect thing in nature, because when we think about that how the Spider is doing its net like that it can be easily said that it is a secret and the men who are related to science have been making lots of researches about it and they couldn’t find any concrete result about it. When we look at the family of the Spiders we can see that they are the member of the family of Arachnida. In almost all of the regions of the world we can see the Spiders and their species are different from each other. In accordance with a research that are done in the year of 2012 there are approximately 43.244 different type of Spiders and some of them are very dangerous but on the other hand some others are not dangerous for the people. They are the animals that are carnivorous and they can eat each other, they have 8 different legs. Some types of them that are live in the regions of tropical can eat the animals like birds and reptiles. There are some types of them that are living in the water and they can eat fish and frog that are living in the water. When we look at to the whole world we can see and count lots of types of spiders and most of them are very dangerous, you can see a dangerous spider in the nature.


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