How Many Different Masterpieces of Gabriel García Márquez ?

Do you like reading the books from the world literature? What are your feelings about the literature? What can people do by using the literature? What is your favorite writer of novel or playwright? Today we are going to make a short analysis about eh popular writer of Gabriel García Márquez.


From the history, in order to express their feelings, people have been writing and it is possible to see that the different effects of the literature in all periods of the time. In each period, there are lots of the popular writers that are from the different regions of the world and we can say that those writers write lots of the popular works that are read even today by the millions of the people all around the whole world. At that point, in last decade, Gabriel García Márquez is one of the most important and the popular author that are all around the world. In the whole world, almost all of the people know about him. Let’s look at the life and the important masterpieces of Gabriel García Márquez all together.


The Life of Gabriel García Márquez

When we look at the birth date of the Gabriel García Márquez, we can see that he is born in the year of the 1927 and as all we know he die in 2014 in 17 April. With the death of him, the people from the different regions of the world are affected too much because he is one of the most important literature authors in the last hundred years. He dies at the age of 87. He is from Mexico but originally he is a Columbian. When we look at the genres that he writes up to now, we can see two different genres: Novels and short stories. And people from the different regions of the world are the fans of the Gabriel García Márquez because of his masterpieces that are very popular and valuable on behalf of the literature. Up to now, he has lots of the different valuable masterpieces and when we look at the number of them, there are 22 valuable masterpieces of him. The names and the genres of the masterpieces of him is like that:


In Evil Hour (1962)

One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967)

The Autumn of the Patriarch (1975)

Love in the Time of Cholera (1985)

The General in His Labyrinth (1989)

Of Love and Other Demons (1994)


Leaf Storm (1955)

No One Writes to the Colonel (1961)

Chronicle of a Death Foretold (1981)

Memories of My Melancholy Whores (2004)

Short story collections[edit]

Eyes of a Blue Dog (1947)

Big Mama’s Funeral (1962)

The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Erendira and Her Heartless Grandmother (1978)

Collected Stories (1984)

Strange Pilgrims (1993)


The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor (1970)

The Solitude of Latin America (1982)

The Fragrance of Guava (1982, with Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza)

Clandestine in Chile (1986)

News of a Kidnapping (1996)

A Country for Children (1998)

Living to Tell the Tale (2002)


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