How many years old New Pope Francis is?

New Pope or Jorge Mario Bergoglio with his real name was born in 17 December 1936. He’s the 266th Pope of history. After a hard election in 13 March 2013, he is selected as new Pope of the Catholic Church. He took papal name Francis. According to news, it’s for honor of Saint Francis of Assisi. He’s first pope chosen from Jesuit society. He served as Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires before. His latest duty was Archbishop of Buenos Aires. His motto is “Miserando atque eligendo” which means “Lowly, but chosen” How many years old New Pope Francis is?

He’s 76 years old when he’s chosen. He’s two years younger than his predecessor Pope Benedict. He’s the first pope coming from Americas. He dreamed to be a chemist before entering the church. His father worked for Italian railroad companies.
He was also runner-up of 2005 conclave. Pope Benedict XVI elected on this conclave but leaked documents showed that he was a serious runner up. He was luckier than Pope Benedict XVI in third ballot by his forty votes but total number of his votes had fallen to twenty-three in final ballot. He couldn’t be chosen but it made Pope Francis more popular than ever. According to critics, the reason he lost on the final ballot was problematic campaign of her. According to some newspapers, he realized that he will win the ballot but press is stressing him, he wanted from Cardinal Electors not to vote him. Many people believe that it’s the reason last ballot before conclave was one of the longest ballots ever in Pope History.
Jorge Bergoglio

He selected Pope Francis name for the honor of St Francis of Assisi. He’s the first pope chose this title. He’s a member of Society of Jesus. They are known with their liberal ideas but Pope Francis is one of the conservative members of society. According to rumors, Jesuits didn’t want him as new Pope and they started a big campaign against him. It’s known that campaign started with Pope Francis’ character analysis in news and many writers believed that he never smiles. According to history, Jesuits were set by St Ignatius Loyola and six students. They were against Protestantism. In time, they evolved and they are now popular with serving for liberation theology. There are only a few members stick to original intentions of Jesuits and Pope Francis is one of them.
His ideas about same-sex marriage and humanism are confusing. He became news when he washed foot of 12 Aids patients in 2001. But he always spoke against same-sex marriage communities. He worked against legislation of same sex marriage in Argentina. He said in a talk that “Lord of Lies tries to deceive children of God. “
He’s also admired with his lifestyle in Argentina. He had a palace and had a chauffeured limousine but he was living in a small apartment and going to work with bus. Also he cooked his own meal every day. Many people believed that he’s very humble. But he is also very strong against contraception and abortion.
He’s rarely speaking about social justice. Sources close to him says that he believes personal holiness and it’s in front of social justice for him. He’s the pope of holiness.
There are some strange stories about the history of Pope Francis. One of them is about kidnapping two Jesuit priests. According to story, while he was superior of the Jesuits in 1970s, he ordered step down for two Jesuits priest but they didn’t listen him. Two Jesuit priests were on the left side while Jesuit community is conservative. He rejected accusations about kidnapping and no charges were brought.

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