How many ways to learn Spanish for free?

According to researches, today over 380 million people are speaking Spanish native in the world. This number is making Spanish the second most spoken language speaking by native speakers of it. Also there are over 500 million people speak Spanish as second language. Today it’s not hard to learn Spanish at the time of 70s. Especially internet is very important for learning Spanish. Spanish is not a hard to learn language like Mandarin but it needs practice rather than grammar but it needs time and patience before all. Going to a language school to learn Spanish became more and more expensive in years because of raising popularity. So finding to learn Spanish for free is very important. How many ways to learn Spanish for free?

It’s a common consent that listening news on Spanish is the best way to learn Spanish for free. After learned some grammar rules and main practices, you can watch news on Spanish. Also newsreaders use a clean and easy to understand Spanish with rules.
You may also use Spanish learning forums. They were not capable in 2000s but today it’s possible to find millions of people using these forums to learn Spanish for free. Only an e-mail address and a password you will set are enough to enter these forums. Best way of these forums is learning Spanish phrases easier than ever. Main disadvantage of these forums is learning Spanish by only reading. It’s not possible to hear how the words are spoken and forums won’t help you to speak Spanish.

Online Spanish videos to teach Spanish are also important. They have also Spanish subtitles. It’s important to find videos including some entertainment text or funny messages because watching lesson videos are very hard to concentrate.
There are some web sites teaching Spanish for free. But most of them have an intermediate section only possible after a fee. You can use these websites to learn basic and practice side of Spanish. These websites may give you a chance to learn Spanish on written and oral ways. Also there are some web sites dedicated to business Spanish, health based Spanish and more. You may also use one of these dedicated web sites if you need Spanish on a special topic.
E-books are also a free and good way to learn Spanish. You may also download audio books. So it’s possible to learn Spanish by listening and following words on text. It’s true that all of e-books are not preparing by professionals and most of the e-book creators are amateur. It’s a problem that sometimes they can pronounce the phrases wrong and first listening of a word is the main pronounce you will use.

Speaking with people speaking Spanish are a classic way to learn Spanish. It’s true that Spanish is some hard to learn by listening only because Spanish speakers like to use language faster than other languages.
Following blogs are also a good way to learn Spanish. They are not based on teaching Spanish but it’s possible to find lots of blogs about various topics and it won’t be hard to find the blog on your interests. Also it’s a main homework on all Spanish courses that preparing a blog is very important. Spanish student blogs are controlling by teachers so it’s very rare to find grammar mistakes on these blogs.
Watching Spanish movies with Spanish subtitles is also a good way to learn Spanish free but Spanish movies like to use people with funny Spanish accents so you can learn some words’ accent wrong or not complete.


  1. Sally November 12, 2012
  2. Ann December 31, 2013
  3. Eunice March 18, 2015

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