How Many Temperature Scales Are There in the World Today that are used?

In our modern world scales are very important. Almost in all our lives we have to measure the things in order to regulate them and in order to make our lives much more right. When we are buying something and on the other hand when we are selling something we have to measure the things and in accordance with their proportion we are selling those goods. In the world today as people we are using lots of different measurement tools. For example when we are measuring the length we are using the meter and as we said before for all of the different things we have different measurement tools.



Today we are going to make a short analysis about the measurement of the temperature and the tools that are used when people are making measurement of the temperature. On this point we can see that in our daily lives the temperature is very important and it can be easily said that in almost all of our lives that are available and necessary. For instance; we are measuring the temperature of the weather and every day we are looking these temperatures and in accordance with the situation of the temperature of the weather people are making decisions about their lives their works and their holidays. Because of this temperatures are very important in people’s lives. Not only in people’s daily lives but also in the life of the industry it is very important, when people are producing something in the field of the industry they are using the temperature especially in the factories when something is being produced it is very important. In order to make something in the field of the industry people are using the hot water or fire and in order to put an order to the goods people have to set the correct values about the temperature and that is another important point of the temperature for the people and it is possible to count lots of them when it is necessary. In short we can easily said that the measuring of the temperature is very important in our lives, then now we are going to look to the scales that are used in the measurement of the temperature that are used today in our world.



The Number of Temperature Scales that Are Used


In today there are 7 different scales that are used in order to measure the temperature and these are: Celsius, Kelvin, Rankine, Newton, Rømer, Delisle, Réaumur. And it can be said that the most popular and the most common of them are Celsius because of the fact that its being used almost all of the fields and its being used in almost all regions of the world. For example in the measurement of the weather Celsius is used all over the world. The other temperatures are used in the different fields like industry or other temperatures and as we said before the most common is Celsius.


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