How Many Prisoners Are There In The World?
In this article, we are going to provide you information about how many prisoners are there in the world. If you wonder the answer to this question, keep reading the article! However, before we start, we are going to provide you some interesting facts about the prisons. We are going to start with one of the prisons which were taking part in one of the famous TV series. Rikers Island gave inspiration to famous Law & Order series. The prison on this island was one the agenda with stabbing, lynch, violence and prisoners with mental illnesses. 18 years old prisoner lost his life in this prison in 2007 and he was beaten to death by other prisoners.
The other prison we would like to talk about is Gitarama Central Prison which is located in Rwanda, Africa. This prison was built with 400 prisoner capacity. However, in the 1990s, there was a civil war in the country. As a result of this civil war, the total amount of the prisoners in this prison reached to seven thousand. It is known that prisoners in this prison had to eat human meat in order to stay alive in that times. Although the government denies the claims, many of the people are still lost and former prisoners still tell the stories they had to see.
The other prison will be Camp 22 which is located in Hoeryong, North Korea. Camp 22’s official name is Kwan-li-so. It is some kind of secret concentration camp where the political criminals and their families are imprisoned in here. Those people who are sent to this prison are going to stay in there until they lose their lives. The government does not make any declarations about the condition of the prison however it is believed that there are more than five thousand criminals kept in this prison.

Inmates peek from their cell inside the Quezon City Jail in Manila in this picture taken on July 18, 2016.
There are 3,800 inmates at the jail, which was built six decades ago to house 800, and they engage in a relentless contest for space. Men take turns to sleep on the cracked cement floor of an open-air basketball court, the steps of staircases, underneath beds and hammocks made out of old blankets. / AFP PHOTO / NOEL CELIS / TO GO WITH AFP STORY: Philippines-politics-crime-jails, FOCUS by Ayee Macaraig
Another interesting prison is El Rodeo which is located in Guatire, Venezuela. There are more than fifty thousand prisoners in here and most of these prisoners are gang members. Thus, this prison is known to be one of the most violent prisons in the world. There was a conflict in the prison in 2011 between the gang members and this was so severe that the armed forces of the country had to intervene. The last prison we would like to mention is Bang Kwang which is located in Bangkok, Thailand. This prison is also known as Bangkok Hilton. It is famous for torture and overcrowded population.
Those criminals who received capital punishment are given only two hours before their execution. Of course, there are also some prisons which treat the criminals that comply with the standards. For instance, a Sweden prison offers television in all rooms. We have just provided the most extreme ones in this article. Now let’s answer the question. The total amount of the prisoners in the world is more than 10,5 million criminals. These are the ones which are in prisons and those who had home detention are excluded.