How many movies Kate Upton appeared?

Kate Upton is one of the most famous celebrities in recent years. She’s only 19 but her body is some grown-up than normal dimensions of her age. She’s sexy and she appears on lots of TV shows every month. She also started to appear on movies. How many movies Kate Upton appeared?

Kate Upton appeared on two movies. One of them is Tower Heist. She played a little role in this 2011’s popular crime comedy film but made a big impact.

His second and more important role is on the “The Three Stooges” movie. Bikini she wore on this movie made a big impact and lots of religious centers criticized it. But Sister Bernice role made a good impact on viewers.

On a review, Upton talked that she loved movies and watching by millions of people is impressive. But there’s no known movie project of her now.

She was also seen on some advertisement companies. Most famous one is a viral advertisement of Los Angeles Clippers. She made a Dougie dance in saloon and millions of people watched it.

Her second appearance on TV was Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue on Late Show with David Letterman. This appearance also made a big impact in America.

She was a sexy girl in Carl’s Jr. Advertisement. Some countries prohibited to show this advertisement but it’s spread by internet to all world.

She was also appeared advertisement of Major League Baseball 2K12. She took some critics by this role in ads.

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