How many movies are there in the Clerks series?

Clerks is a popular independent movie series in the U.S. First movie is released in 1994. All movies are produced and released by Kevin Smith. He also appeared on the movies as Silent Bob. Also Brian O’Halloran and Jeff Anderson starred on all movies of series. Story of series is about two store clerks and their daily life. Series gained big commercial success even with smallest budget and made the Kevin Smith a popular director in the Hollywood. How many movies are there in the Clerks series?

There are three movies in the Clerks series. First movie “Clerks” is released in 1994. First movie was shot for $27,575 and gained commercial success with $3 million gross in theatres. Film is recorded in black-and-white and mix was very rough. It’s shot in 21 straight days. Kevin Smith was working in a Quick Stop and movie was shot here. They were recording to movie in only nights. Many members of Smith’s family also took place in cast. After movie’s surprise success on gross, Miramax Films bought the rights of movie. It was one of the biggest gross success stories in close history because movie didn’t play fewer than 50 theater screens totally. Movie gained also critical success from Cannes Film Festival and Independent Spirit Awards. It’s released on VHS, DVD and at last in Blu-Ray. Miramax Films released an 15th year anniversary with Clerks X name. There was a booklet near the home media.

Mallrats is the second movie of series. It’s directed and written by Kevin Smith and released in 1995. Kevin Smith named the series as View Askewniverse series. New names like Jason Lee, Joey Lauren Adams and Ben Affleck appeared on this movie. Movie is about a trip Clerks members planned for Universal Studios. Movie was set in many places like Rahway, Henry Hudson Regional High School, Seaview Square Mall and Route 1 Flea Market. Mallrats couldn’t gain same success to Clerks. Many writers criticized the movie. Kevin Smith apologized in the 1996 Independent Spirit Awards for Mallrats. After unsuccessful gross, movie gained commercial success on home video and became a cult following. Movie had $6 million budget and grossed $2,122,561 worldwide. An Extended cut version of movie is also available in DVD with some extra features.
Chasing Amy is the latest movie of series released in 1997. It’s written and directed by Kevin Smith. Smith announced that Chasing Amy is the last movie in his View Askewniverse series. Joey Lauren Adams and Ben Affleck starred on the movie. After criticized in 1996 Independent Spirit Awards, Smith’s last film won three awards in 1998 Independent Spirit Awards. Kevin Smith again directed the movie with a low budget $250,000. Movie grossed $12,021,272. Chasing Amy was the series’ movie that screened in most theatres with 494 locations. Kevin Smith gained critical success again with this movie. Rotten Tomatoes gave %90. It awarded on Golden Globe Award, Independent Spirit Awards and many other festivals.
DVD version of movie is released. It was including a theatrical trailer and deleted scenes. Home media is released in Criterion Collection Laserdisc. In early 2009, Smith announced that cast of Chasing Amy is working in a new movie but there is still no release.
Series became a cult in many countries. In Japan, Chasing Amy is adapted into novel. It was a unique concept by half-manga, half-novel.
Because series is including explicit sexual dialogue and other sexual stories, some countries banned the sale of home DVD releases in their country and especially Chasing Amy is banned in many Asian countries.


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