Ghost Recon or Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon with its full name is a popular tactical shooter game all over the world. Game is creating by Red Storm Entertainment in Tom Clancy’s studio. It’s mainly about a special military group which is known as “the Ghosts.” Main gameplay environment is tactical and player has to obey all the rules. First game “Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon” is released in 2001. It became the first tactical military game ported to Nintendo GameCube and Xbox. How many games are there in the Ghost Recon series?
There are 13 games in the Ghost Recon series. First game is released with Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon name but it wasn’t a rival for other popular Tom Clancy series Rainbow Six. Game gained huge success. Authorities gave high points to gameplay and atmosphere of game. Two expansion packs as “Ghost Recon: Desert Siege” and “Ghost Recon: Island Thunder” is released under the game. Minimum PC requirement for game was minimum Pentium II 450 MHz processor and 1 GB hard drive space and it was a high configuration for its era.
“Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon 2” is the second game of series and it’s released in 2005. It’s a sequel to first game. Game is released for Xbox and PS2 but Windows version is cancelled. Main setting of game is Korean Peninsula. Game came with developed graphic and multiplayer options. It was one of the first games using new connection speeds and technologies on gaming environment. Beside single player mod, multiplayer mod took high praise because it was allowing modes like battle, firefight and scout in it. Also there was adversarial modes which are offering solo and team work. Game released “Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike” expansion pack but it was only available for Xbox.
“Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter” is the second sequel of series and released in 2006 by Ubisoft. New game was a big development on the most favorite features of series. It was making the tactical movements of game stronger. Main duty on game was staying alive as possible and giving strategic information about mission. PC version of game came in first person perspective. It gave a chance to manage all squad members individually by giving different commands. Game took high scores like 9.5 and perfect 10. Also it’s revealed by a Ubisoft member that game is prepared in 2004 but delayed to 2006 because of Halo 2’s release. Xbox version is also praised because it was offering one of the most realistic graphics ever for the console with high-definition scenes.
“Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2” is the fourth sequel of game and released in 2007. Game is prepared by Ubisoft’s Paris studios and series fans noticed lots of differences in atmosphere and gameplay. New gameplay features like “Eternal Eyes” firstly entered series with this game. Game couldn’t take high scores like its older sequel but sold 1 million copies only for Xbox. Game also created controversies with its Mexico based war scenes and Mayor of Ciudad Juárez criticized game story.
Series continued with sequels for consoles. Firstly “Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Predator” is released for PS Portable and fans found the game good but hard to learn controls. After game’s success, Ubisoft released “Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wii” but it couldn’t gain commercial success. Console journey of Ghost Recon finished by “Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars” for Nintendo DS. It was the first “turn-based tactics” version of Ghost Recon series.
Ghost Recon series continued with Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Online.