How many lakes are there on the world?

Filled lake basins on the handle is called sweet or salty waters of the lake. Lakes, ponds filled closed sea, described as a mass of stagnant water. Lakes, rivers, creating 87% of freshwater lakes on Earth in the territory covered by 2%.
Lakes fed by groundwater and surface water. The waters of Lake bitter, sweet, salty and can be a soda can. The reasons for this difference, climatic conditions, food sources, the land where the structure of the lake, lake size, depth  (Lake leg) and does not have.
Rinse water from seas, lakes, powerful source of nutrition. Drain water from freshwater lakes, the water is brackish or salt water in lakes relieved. Between lakes and rivers ofthe freshwater ecosystem.
Stagnant water accumulated on the lake, the lands called pits. Geological and gemological structure of the climate of this region vary depending on where many lakes in the world, large and small are scattered in almost all sides. The largest lake, thedeepest lake in Asia in Lake Baikal, the Caspian Sea and the mainland again.Discharged into the lake by streams and lakes fed by rainfall.

Major lakes of the Earth
Caspian Sea (Caspian Lake) 393 897 768 Saline, Azerbaijan

, Iran, Kazakhstan,Russia, Turkmenistan
Fresh Lake Superior 82,414,405 U.S., Canada
Lake Viktoria Sweet 68 870 85 Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda
59596229 fresh Lake Huron USA, Canada
USA 58 016 85 Sweet Lake Michigan
Sweet 32 893 1470 Lake Tanganyika in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania,Zambia, Burundi
Sweet 31 792 88 Great Bear Lake in Canada
31 492 1637 Sweet Lake Baikal, Russia (Siberia)    28 687 Kazakhstan 32 fee in the Aral Sea, Uzbekistan (1998 km ² the past 68 000 68m)
Great Slave Lake 28438614 Sweet Kanadaa
Lake Erie 25 745 64 Costs in the U.S., Canada
Sweet Lake Winnipeg, Canada 19 24 341
U.S. 19500225 sweet Lake Ontario, Canada
Lake Balkas expenses 16,996 27 Kazakhstan
06.05 10000-20000 Chad soft Nigeria, Cameroon, Nigeria, Chad
11 500 1000 Sweet Lake Vostan Antarctica
836 2200 Sweet Lake General Carrera, Chile, Argentina
719 Sweet Lake Argentino in Argentina 1466
Lake Malawi (Lake Nyasa) 23310706 Sweet Malawi, Tanzania, Mozambique, Africa
668 Sweet Lake Issyk Kul in Kyrgyzstan 6236
Fresh Crater Lake 53592 United States
United States 497 501 Sweet Lake Tahoe
Soda Lake Van, Turkey 451 3740
Sweet Lake Como, Italy 146 410
