How many movies are there in The Three Stooges filmography?

The Three Stooges is one of the most famous American vaudevilles of American history. They are mostly known by short films. The Three Stooges started in 1925 and finished in 1970. There will be a movie called The Three Stooges in 2012. Farrely Brothers are the director of movie and Will Sasso, Chris Diamantopoulos and Sean Hayesare are the actors. There will be also lots of celebrities on movie like Kate Upton, Dwight Howard and Jennifer Hudson.

Three stooges after played on Ted Healy and His Stooges they made their first movie called Soup to Nuts. Movie released by Fox Film Corporation. After Soup to Nuts The Stooges have a cofused time since 1933. Then they made famous movies like Woman Haters, Pardon My Scotch and A Pain in the Pullman.How many movies are there in The Three Stooges filmography?

Every year they made four to six movies for Hollywood. Main cast was Moe, Larry and Curly. Also Shemp joined them for some movies.

They have now a museum in Philadelphia called the Stoogeum. The building is a renovation of Spring House, Pennsylvania. Every year thousands of people visit the museum.

There’s a big place of The Three Stooges in American culture. Their life firstly filmed by The Stooges fan Mel Gibson in Australia and it’s shown on ABC. Also there is a video game called Three Stooges the arcade game. Game released on in 1984 for Amiga. Then Cinemaware console released a The Stooges game called a game on the same name.

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