How many events are arranging in Cinco de Mayo 2012?

Cinco de Mayo is a celebration day in America and Mexico. Not all the Mexicans are celebrating this day but especially Puebla State is celebrating every year. In USA, date’s meaning is Mexico’s defeat on French Armies and its influences of freedom and victory on American Civil War. Mexico is celebrating this day as a freedom and patriot day. Every year events are arranging in America and Mexico. How many events are arranging in Cinco de Mayo 2012?

Cinco De Mayo is known delinquently as Mexico’s Independence Day. But it’s not true. The main independence day of Mexico is El Grito de la Independencia on 16th September.

Mexico is faced French occupation in 1861. Main reason of it was former wars of Mexico with America. Also civil wars were effective. Lots of wore created a big economic crisis in Mexico and President Benito Juárez made a moratorium to suspend all foreign debts for two years. But France, Spain and Britain didn’t accept the result and sent naval to Mexico. Mexico made agreements with Spain and Britain and French armies occupied Mexico but while they are going to Mexico City they faced with a strong resistance and Mexican army defeated them at last.

Mexicans celebrate this day wherever they are in the world. For example every Cinco de Mayo, Vancouver sky-diving club makes skydiving events. Also there are celebrations in Malta Island and Brisbane, Australia to honour Cinco de Mayo day of Mexico. There are nearly 60 events in Cinco De Mayo every year.

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