How many styles of Argentina Tango are there?

Tango is the traditional dance of Argentina. In capital Buenos Aires and other cities of Argentina, there are many different Tango styles and each teacher believes that her style is the best and most traditional one. This variety in Tango style released also many new styles which are easier to learn but not touching the heart of Tango soul. After that problem, Argentina Ministry of Culture prepared a list of traditional Tango styles and many Tango clubs supported it. How many styles of Argentina Tango are there?

Tango de Salon is one of the most popular Argentina Tango styles ever. It has many substyles in the Argentina. Today many exhibitions in the Argentina are only accepting varieties of Tango de Salon in their lessons and exhibitions. Most important feature of Tango de Salon is that it gives more freedom to woman in tango. She can turn more and pivot can wait her move longer. Some Tango experts believe that Tango de Salon is today hard to learn and it’s only possible in big exhibitions.
Villa Urquiza is one of the most popular neighborhoods of Buenos Aires and it gives its name to a popular Tango style also. Villa Urquiza style needs upright body position in each stage. Women on the Villa Urquiza style is very important because they are the focus point of style and because style is allowing to move more freely to them, they are also taking more responsibility in the dance. Many people believe that symbol of Villa Urquiza is “V” because when dancers looking forward on their clasped hands, they are taking a similar shape to “V” Many neighborhoods of Buenos Aires accept this style as their traditional style but main courses in Buenos Aires are don’t like it. They call it mostly as “Tango Estilo del Barrio.”

Milonguero-Style Tango is popular with dancers stay on merged axis with some distance between the feet of dancers. Also the embrace in the Milonguero-Style Tango is very popular and many movies about Tango use this style. Women of Milonguero-Style Tango must use their shoulders perfect because it’s the key of rapport to their partners. Leaning is also important in this style because it’s the key for catching perfect balance. First lessons of Milonguero-Style Tango are always about leaning true. There are some Tango singers and music producers release their music on Milonguero-Style Tango and it’s popular ric-tic-tic rhythm. Rhythmic sensibilities of dancers are most important thing in the exhibitions.
Club-Style Tango is a popular and modern type of Tango today. It’s a good combination of milonguero-style tango and Villa Urquiza. Many people believe that there’s no tango style offering more independent movement than Club-Style Tango in Argentina. It’s a very rhythmic variation of traditional Tango and needs perfect rapport for best dance. Some people call it as “Tango Estilo del Centro” and it’s popular in central area of Buenos Aires. Some people believe that Club-Style Tango is the future of Tango but many old experts claim that it’s a corrupted and wrong modernized type of Tango.
Orillero-Style Tango is an old style of Tango and it was popular in the streets of Buenos Aires in the 19th century. There were Orillero-Style Tango centers in the Buenos Aires in the “golden age of Tango”. This style of Tango needs close embrace. Many young people choose Orillero-Style Tango rather than other styles because it’s more playful and doesn’t need so serious moves.
Canyengue is a historical Tango form and today only limited schools are exercising it. In 20s and 30s, Canyengue was one of the most popular Tango styles and today it’s still possible to see classic long and tight dresses of Canyengue style in the historic movies.

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