How Many Railway Stations Are There in India?

Do you like to travel by train? How long do you use train in your travels to the far places? When we look at the whole world, it is possible for us to see that the transportation is one of the most common and the most important issues. These transportation can be not only transportation of goods but on the other hand they can be the transportation of the people. With the rapid development of the technology especially after the using of the power of steam and industrial revolution, like in almost all fields, in the field of the transportation there are lots of new innovations that people can get benefit from them and correspondingly to this situation people are making their lives much easier by using the these new innovations about the transportations. OB-UZ950_istree_G_20121018064407

When we think about the 21st century, people have to travel from a place to another place and the distance between these places can be so long for example one is from a place of the world and the other place is the other side of the world and because of this reason the transportation is necessary for the people and the technology have been developed and it seems that it will be developed because of the needs of the people. When we look at our modern day, train is one of the most important and one of the most usable means of transportation in the whole world, because its capacity to carry the loads is very high and on the other hand the people who want to travel with adventure and in comfort are preferring the train in their travels, today in the whole world, it is possible to see that there are millions of kilometers train networks and most of them are connected to each other and on account of the fact that people can use the trains when they are going from a country to another country. Now we are going to make a short analysis about the railway stations of India and we will look to the number of the railway stations that are available in the country of India.


The Number of Railway Stations in India


As all we know, India is one of the most densely populated countries in the whole world and as a result of this situation there are lots of different problems related to the people and transportation is one of those problems. In that country, people are using the trains in order to travel to the other cities of the country and the railway network in the country of India is very widespread and hundreds of people are using the those railway stations each they in order to reach what they want to go. When we look at the number of the railway stations in India, in accordance with the current researches there are 12496 different train stations in India and it seems that in the future this number will be increased because of the population of the country.


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