How Many People Have Watched the Movie of 3 Idiots up to Now ?

Do you like to watch the moves that are popular or how long do you watch movie? On this work, we are going to make a short analysis about a popular movie. There are millions of people that are from the different regions of the world who are watching the movies each day and it is possible to say that they are the fans of the some movies. When we think about the history of the movies, we can see that after the rapid development of the technology there are lots of new innovations in almost all of the fields in the world and as a result of this situation, correspondingly, it is possible to see the innovations in the field of the movie industry.


When we compare the possibilities that are available today with the fifty or sixty year before, it is concrete to see the how the movie industry developed too much extend and thanks to the these developments and the innovations it is no longer easy to capture a movie with less money. When we think the situation from that point it is beneficial to the people but on the other hand when we think from the other point we see that there are millions of the movies that are in the whole world and as a result of the process less qualitative movies have been increasing and it seems that in the future their numbers will be increased too much extend because of the easiness of the capturing the movies. In the history, we can see that there are lots of qualitative movies and even today people are watching that movies and as usually in our own era people are capturing the movies that are qualitative. Today we are going to make a short analysis about the movie of the 3 Idiots.


The Movie of 3 Idiots


3 Idiots is one of the most popular movie that is captured in the years of 2010, and there are millions of people who are fans of the movie. It is an Indian movie and it narrates the story of three friends who are trying to accomplish their studies and one of them is different from the others and different from the system and it is possible to say that that character is also opposed to the system and on account of the fact that there are differences of the protagonist of our movie, it becomes an interesting movie and maybe because of this why millions of the people are the fan of the movie. When we look at the figures of the movie that has been watched up to now, we can see that, in accordance to the current researches that are done by the experts, there are over 60 million people watch the movie up to now and it seems that this number will be increased because of the popularity of the movie.



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