How Many Lines Are There in New York City Subway?

What do you know about the development of the public transportation? What are the effects of the technology to the public transportation? What will be in the future about the development of the different means of the public transportation in the different regions of the world? As all we know, one of the most important means of the public transportation is the subways all around the whole world. Each day, millions of the people are using the subways in the different regions of the world in order to reach the places that they want to go and because of its being cheap and fast, most of the people prefer it.


When we look at the subways of the world, from the history, we can say that the oldest subways of the world are the London subway and in the different big cities of the world, the subway systems are available and still they are using those systems. Today we are going to make a short analysis about the history and structure about the New York City subway systems and we will give some specific information about the number of the different lines that are available in the New York City public transportation. Let’s look at the history of the New York City Subway system all together.


The History of the New York City, Subway System

As all we know, New York Subway is one of the most popular and one of the most important subway systems all around the whole world. Because of the New York’s being one of the most crowded cities in the world, correspondingly to this situation the public transportation of the city needs too much attention and in order to supply this the government have to carry out its duties. When we look at the history of the New York subway, we can see that the roots of the subway can be based upon the date of 1869. At that point, we can say that it is one of the oldest subway systems that are available in the world today. There are 468 stations that are available in the New York City subway system. When we look at the structure of the city, 75 percent of the people have no car because there are lots of the different possibilities that are available in the city in order to make the public transportation easy. When we look at the number of the different lines of the New York City subway, we can see that there are 10 different lines in that subway and the names of those lines is like that:


Primary Trunk line

IND Eighth Avenue Line

IND Sixth Avenue Line

IND Crosstown Line

BMT Canarsie Line

BMT Nassau Street Line

BMT Broadway Line

IRT Broadway – Seventh Avenue Line

IRT Lexington Avenue Line

IRT Flushing Line


It seems that because of the city’s being of the biggest cities in the world, in the future there will be new lines in the subway system of the New York City.


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