How many important facts are there about Martin Luther King?

Martin Luther King or Martin Luther King, Jr. with its official name is one of the most famous African-American Civil Rights Movement leader in the USA. He was also an important activist. He fought for the civil rights and became the symbol of American progressivism. He was one of the leaders in 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott. Also he was one of the founders and first leader of Southern Christian Leadership Conference. He made his famous “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963 at the “March on Washington” Today there’s a Martin Luther King day celebrating in nearly all states of USA but there is also a few knowledge about his youth. How many important facts are there about Martin Luther King?

One of the first and most important thing changed his life is his grandmother’s dead. Before 11 years old, he was a quite child but when he lost his grandmother, it became a traumatic experience for him totally. He attempted suicide after he heard the death and jumped from 2nd floor of their own apartment. He didn’t broke any of his bones but he slept hard for two days. This event and turning life from death focused her parents on him and changed his life.
After suicide, he became an advanced student. He passes college with high success and passing two grades. When he accepted to Moorehouse College, he was only 15 and college opened an early admittance program. It was wartime and program was for preparing students to an early enrollment for military. He learned many things in school and saw the war aspects first in his life.

He married in June 18, 1953 to Coretta Scott. USA was very dangerous for black people in 1950s and they realized that honeymoon will be very dangerous. So they went to a friend’s Funeral Parlor and sit there. They have parents of four children. All of their children became activists and now they are in the important missions.
Martin Luther King was a big fan of Star Trek series. He was watching the series with his family and in an interview he said that Star Trek was only show they watched with all family. Also he talked the stars of Star Trek many times and he believed that they are not only acting but they are also making an historical mission.
It’s a common topic of chats that famous “I Have A Dream” of Martin Luther King was improvisation or not. Some people believe that it was written and edited before but mostly people say that it was King’s improvisation. Also people close to him say different ideas. According to researches and his main helpers, text he read on this day was written before but the last part, which is famous for “I Have A Dream” quote was totally improvisation and it surprised all friends of him. Some sources wrote that Mahalia Jackson said to Martin Luther King about talking on his dream and he made it.
When he won Nobel Prize, he was only 35 in 1964. He’s still the youngest male won this prize. On the other hand, doctors released an autopsy report after assassination of him and said that his heart was like a sixty-year-old man’s one because of stress he faced for nearly 20 years of his life.
Bayard Rustin was one of the most important mentors for Martin Luther King and he was an expert on Gandhi’s methods. He was also the man who gave the Gandhi’s “non-violence” resistance ideas to Martin Luther King. Today name of him is on over 730 streets in America and there’s a day called Martin Luther Day.

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