How many hotels in New York City?

New York City is the most populous city in America. New York City is also heart of world economic and political system. New York City is a part of “State of New York” as mostly confusing. New York City is also famous for its touristic action. In 2012, 49 million people visited New York City. City is also famous for its hotels cause of this high visitor rate. How many hotels in New York City?

New York City has famous hotels like Hilton New York, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel and Roosevelt Hotel. Also there are hotels based on historical places like Knickerbocker Hotel, Beacon Theater and Hotel and Prince George Hotel.

Main number registered by Hotel Association of New York City trade organization is 245. But New York City official guide counts it as 258 hotels. 32,000 people are working in these hotels for 69,587 rooms.

Largest hotel in New York City is Hilton New York. This 47 floor hotel has 1980 rooms at all. There are also 47 suites in hotel.

There are also some historical important hotels like Barbizon 63. Hotel is also known as The Barbizon Hotel for Women. Because no men allowed in this hotel for years and famous women like Grace Kelly and Liza Minnelli is stayed in here.

Most of the hotels in New York City are in Midtown Manhattan. Totally there are 114 hotels in this area. There are 75 in Times Square area and 39 in Midtown East Side.

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  1. Millard F Mann February 13, 2013

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