How many countries are not celebrating Mother’s day on Second Sunday of May?

Mother’s day is an important day to celebrate mothers and motherhood. There are over 140 countries celebrating Mother’s Day in the world. Main time to celebrate Mother’s day is Second Sunday of May in lots of countries. But there are some countries don’t celebrate the Mother’s Day at exact time. How many countries are not celebrating Mother’s day on Second Sunday of May?

There are 81 countries celebrating Mother’s Day not in Second Sunday of May. 20 of them are celebrating the Mother’s day on 8 March as known also for Women’s day. Afghanistan and Morocco is two of them.

4 countries are celebrating the Mother’s Day six weeks after Easter. It’s calling as Lent. These countries are United Kingdom, Ireland, Nigeria, and Bangladesh.

Arab countries are celebrating Mother’s Day in 21 March as equinox date. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Jordan are some of them. Also Israeli Arabs are celebrating the Mother’s Day on 21 March.

Some Europe countries are celebrating Mother’s Day on First Sunday in May. They are Hungary, Lithuania, Spanish and Portugal. Also Mozambique of Asia is celebrating Mother’s Day in first Sunday in May.

French are celebrating Mother’s Day on May’s last Sunday because Americans are celebrating it on Second Sunday of May.

There are also countries celebrating Mother’s Day on last months of the year. Belarus is 14 Oct, Argentina is Third Sunday of October, Russia is Last Sunday of November and Indonesia is 22 Dec. There are also countries that celebrating Mother’s Day according to their own calendar.

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